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Conditions of Officiating for Rabbis on the List

Most rabbis require a pre-marital conference and encourage a program of Jewish study and a commitment to Judaism. For most rabbis, a commitment to establish a Jewish home means that the home will not contain religious symbols of another faith. The following is a list of the conditions about which we receive the most questions: 

Fifty-nine percent of the rabbis on the list require a commitment to establish a Jewish home and/or raise children as Jews. Fifty-five percent require the Jewish ceremony to be the only ceremony. Seventy-eight percent do not list any travel restrictions. Fifty-seven percent require two or more hours of premarital counseling.

One hundred thirty-nine rabbis (47%) require the rabbi to be the only officiant with no participation by non-Jewish clergy and 130 rabbis (45%) participate in a ceremony with non-Jewish clergy.  While most rabbis on the list officiate after 6:00 p.m. on Saturday or holidays, twenty-seven rabbis (9%) officiate on Shabbat or Yom Tov during the day.  Thirty-eight rabbis (13%) officiate in a church or chapel where Christian symbols are visible.

For a more detailed summary, go to the most recent survey on Rabbinic Participation in Intermarriage Ceremonies.

Searching for a Rabbi | Location of Rabbis
Conditions of Officiating | Frequently Asked Questions
Order List of CCAR and RRA Rabbis Who Officiate
at Intermarriages



The Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling 
Telephone:  908-233-0419
A private, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research on intermarriage, counseling intermarried couples and serving as a mental health facility for area residents. 

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Email the Rabbinic Center: Rabbi Irwin H. Fishbein, D.Min, Director, at

Copyright © 2009 Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling
Last modified: November 3, 2009