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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is there a fee for the List of C.C.A.R. and R.R.A. Rabbis Who Officiate at Intermarriages? 

2. Can you recommend a rabbi in my vicinity to officiate at an intermarriage? 

3. Can you provide some details about the workshop on Raising Children in the Intermarried Home?

Please feel free to click here to email any questions you might have regarding marriages between Jews and non-Jews.  Rabbi Fishbein will personally answer all email on a regular basis.

Searching for a Rabbi | Location of Rabbis
Conditions of Officiating
Order List of CCAR and RRA Rabbis Who Officiate
at Intermarriages


Email the Rabbinic Center: Rabbi Irwin H. Fishbein, D.Min, Director, at

The Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling 
Telephone:  908-233-0419
A private, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research on intermarriage, counseling intermarried couples and serving as a mental health facility for area residents.

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Email the Rabbinic Center: Rabbi Irwin H. Fishbein, D.Min, Director, at

Copyright © 2009 Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling
Last modified: November 3, 2009